
Листинг к статье
"Текстовый файл, как база данных."


Форма frmDemo

Option Explicit

'Internal variables

'Объявление класса для работы с диалоговыми окнами

Private dlgDb As New clsCommonDialog

Private fso As New FileSystemObject ' "верхний" объект библиотеки FSO

Private tsOpen As TextStream '|

Private tsSave As TextStream '|текстовые потоки библиотеки FSO

Private tsNew As TextStream '|

Private CountEntries As Integer 'количество записей

Private CurrentEntries As Integer 'номер текущей записи

Private flagChange As Boolean 'флаг для отслеживания изменений в БД

Private colTxtDB As colDB 'объектная модель БД


Private Sub cmdDB_Click(Index As Integer)

Select Case Index

Case 0 'Создание нового файла

    On Error GoTo LocalErr

    'если файл уже открыт

    If Len(Caption) > 14 Then 'надпись длиннее чем "Demo FSO as DB"


        Set colTxtDB = Nothing

    End If

    With dlgDb

        .DialogTitle = "Создать текстовую БД"

        .Filter = "Текстовые БД (*.tdb)|*.tdb"

        .FilterIndex = 1


        Set tsNew = fso.CreateTextFile(.FileName, True)


        Set colTxtDB = New colDB

        Caption = "Demo FSO as DB (" & .FileTitle & ")"

    End With


    CountEntries = 0

    CurrentEntries = 0

Case 1 'Открытие существующего файла

Dim strLastname As String, strFirstName As String

Dim strNumber As String, intID As Integer, i As Integer

    On Error GoTo LocalErr

    'если файл уже открыт

    If Len(Caption) > 14 Then 'надпись длиннее чем "Demo FSO as DB"


        Set colTxtDB = Nothing

    End If

    With dlgDb

        .DialogTitle = "Открыть текстовую БД"

        .Filter = "Текстовые БД (*.tdb)|*.tdb"

        .FilterIndex = 1


        Set colTxtDB = New colDB

        Caption = "Demo FSO as DB (" & .FileTitle & ")"

        'открываем выбранный файл для считывания информации

        Set tsOpen = fso.OpenTextFile(.FileName, ForReading)

        'считываем количество записей

        CountEntries = tsOpen.ReadLine

        'считываем записи

        For i = 1 To CountEntries

            strLastname = tsOpen.ReadLine

            strFirstName = tsOpen.ReadLine

            strNumber = tsOpen.ReadLine

            intID = tsOpen.ReadLine

            'и добавляем их в объект

            colTxtDB.Add strLastname, strFirstName, strNumber, intID


        tsOpen.Close 'закрываем файл

    End With

    CurrentEntries = 1

    DBInForm CurrentEntries

Case 2 'выход

    Unload Me

End Select

Exit Sub

'обработка ошибок


    Select Case Err.Number

    Case 5  'пользователь нажал Cancel

    Case 32755

    Case 62 'попытка считывания из пустого файла

        CountEntries = 0

        CurrentEntries = 0

    Case Else

        MsgBox "<" & Err.Number & "> - " & Err.Description

    End Select

End Sub

'Пересылка данных в текстовые поля

Private Sub DBInForm(Index As Integer)

    txtLastName.Text = colTxtDB(Index).LastName

    txtFirstName.Text = colTxtDB(Index).FirstName

    txtNumber.Text = colTxtDB(Index).Number

    lblID.Caption = "Номер записи: " & colTxtDB(Index).ID

End Sub

Private Sub cmdEdit_Click(Index As Integer)

Select Case Index

Case 0 'добавить

    CountEntries = CountEntries + 1

    CurrentEntries = CountEntries

    colTxtDB.Add txtLastName.Text, txtFirstName.Text, txtNumber.Text, CurrentEntries

    DBInForm CurrentEntries

Case 1 'изменить

    If CountEntries = 0 Then Exit Sub

    colTxtDB(CurrentEntries).LastName = txtLastName.Text

    colTxtDB(CurrentEntries).FirstName = txtFirstName.Text

    colTxtDB(CurrentEntries).Number = txtNumber.Text

    DBInForm CurrentEntries

Case 2 'удалить

    If CountEntries = 0 Then Exit Sub

    If MsgBox("Удалить текущую запись?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbQuestion, _
        "Удаление записи") = vbYes Then

        colTxtDB.Remove CurrentEntries

        If CurrentEntries = CountEntries Then

            CurrentEntries = CurrentEntries - 1

        End If

        CountEntries = CountEntries - 1

        DBInForm CurrentEntries

    End If

End Select

    flagChange = True

End Sub

Private Sub cmdMove_Click(Index As Integer)

Select Case Index

Case 0 ' к первой записи

    CurrentEntries = 1

Case 1 ' к предыдущей записи

    CurrentEntries = CurrentEntries - 1

Case 2 'к следующей записи

    CurrentEntries = CurrentEntries + 1

Case 3 ' к последней записи

    CurrentEntries = CountEntries

End Select

'блокировка передвижений по записям вне диапазона

If CurrentEntries < 1 Then

    CurrentEntries = 1

ElseIf CurrentEntries > CountEntries Then

    CurrentEntries = CountEntries

End If

DBInForm CurrentEntries

End Sub

'запрос на сохранение БД

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)


    'очистка памяти

    Set colTxtDB = Nothing

    Set tsOpen = Nothing

    Set tsSave = Nothing

    Set tsNew = Nothing

    Set fso = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub CloseFile()

Dim i%

If flagChange Then 'если были произведены изменения в БД

    If MsgBox("Сохранить произведенные изменения в базе данных?", _
        vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Закрытие программы") = vbYes Then

        With dlgDb

            .DialogTitle = "Сохранение текстовой БД"

            .Filter = "Текстовые БД (*.tdb)|*.tdb"

            .FilterIndex = 1


            Set tsSave = fso.OpenTextFile(.FileName, ForWriting)

            tsSave.WriteLine CountEntries

            For i = 1 To CountEntries

                tsSave.WriteLine colTxtDB(i).LastName

                tsSave.WriteLine colTxtDB(i).FirstName

                tsSave.WriteLine colTxtDB(i).Number

                tsSave.WriteLine colTxtDB(i).ID



        End With

    End If

End If

flagChange = False

End Sub

Класс clsCommonDialog

Option Explicit

Private m_cancelled As Boolean

'API function

'API функция для ShowOpen method

Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" _
    Alias "GetOpenFileNameA" _
    (pOpenfilename As OpenFilename) _
    As Long

'API функция для ShowSave method

Private Declare Function GetSaveFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" _
    Alias "GetSaveFileNameA" _
    (pOpenfilename As OpenFilename) _
    As Long

'API функция для возвращения расширенной информации об ошибке

Private Declare Function CommDlgExtendedError Lib "comdlg32.dll" _
    () As Long


Private Type OpenFilename

    lStructSize As Long

    hwndOwner As Long

    hInstance As Long

    lpstrFilter As String

    lpstrCustomFilter As String

    nMaxCustFilter As Long

    iFilterIndex As Long

    lpstrFile As String

    nMaxFile As Long

    lpstrFileTitle As String

    nMaxFileTitle As Long

    lpstrInitialDir As String

    lpstrTitle As String

    Flags As Long

    nFileOffset As Integer

    nFileExtension As Integer

    lpstrDefExt As String

    lCustData As Long

    lpfnHook As Long

    lpTemplateName As String

End Type


'Internal variables

Private iAction As Integer

Private sDefaultExt As String

Private sDialogTitle As String

Private sFileName As String

Private sFileTitle As String

Private sFilter As String

Private iFilterIndex As Integer

Private lFlags As Long

Private lhdc As Long

Private sInitDir As String

Private lMaxFileSize As Long

Private lApiReturn As Long

Private lExtendedError As Long

Private bCancelError As Boolean


Public Property Get Filter() As String

    Filter = sFilter

End Property


Public Property Let Filter(vNewValue As String)

    sFilter = vNewValue

End Property


Public Property Get FilterIndex() As Integer

    FilterIndex = iFilterIndex

End Property


Public Property Let FilterIndex(vNewValue As Integer)

    iFilterIndex = vNewValue

End Property


Public Property Get FileName() As String

    FileName = sFileName

End Property


Public Property Let FileName(vNewValue As String)

    sFileName = vNewValue

End Property


Public Property Get DialogTitle() As String

    DialogTitle = sDialogTitle

End Property


Public Property Let DialogTitle(vNewValue As String)

    sDialogTitle = vNewValue

End Property


Public Property Get Action() As Integer

    Action = iAction

End Property


Public Property Get CancelError() As Boolean

    CancelError = bCancelError

End Property


Public Property Let CancelError(vNewValue As Boolean)

    bCancelError = vNewValue

End Property


Public Property Get hdc() As Long

    hdc = lhdc

End Property


Public Property Let hdc(vNewValue As Long)

    lhdc = vNewValue

End Property


Public Property Get FileTitle() As String

    FileTitle = sFileTitle

End Property


Public Property Let FileTitle(vNewValue As String)

    sFileTitle = vNewValue

End Property


Public Property Get APIReturn() As Long

    APIReturn = lApiReturn

End Property


Public Property Get ExtendedError() As Long

    ExtendedError = lExtendedError

End Property


Public Property Get DefaultExt() As String

    DefaultExt = sDefaultExt

End Property


Public Property Let DefaultExt(vNewValue As String)

    sDefaultExt = vNewValue

End Property


Public Property Get Flags() As Long

    Flags = lFlags

End Property


Public Property Let Flags(vNewValue As Long)

    lFlags = vNewValue

End Property


Public Property Get InitDir() As String

    InitDir = sInitDir

End Property


Public Property Let InitDir(vNewValue As String)

    sInitDir = vNewValue

End Property


Public Property Get MaxFileSize() As Long

    MaxFileSize = lMaxFileSize

End Property


Public Property Let MaxFileSize(vNewValue As Long)

    lMaxFileSize = vNewValue

End Property



Public Sub ShowOpen()

    ShowFileDialog (1)

End Sub


Public Sub ShowSave()

    ShowFileDialog (2)

End Sub


'Private Functions

Private Function sLeftOfNull(ByVal sIn As String)

    Dim lNullPos As Long

    sLeftOfNull = sIn

    lNullPos = InStr(sIn, Chr$(0))

    If lNullPos > 0 Then

        sLeftOfNull = Mid$(sIn, 1, lNullPos - 1)

    End If

End Function


Private Function sAPIFilter(sIn)

    Dim lChrNdx As Long

    Dim sOneChr As String

    Dim sOutStr As String

    For lChrNdx = 1 To Len(sIn)

        sOneChr = Mid$(sIn, lChrNdx, 1)

        If sOneChr = "|" Then

            sOutStr = sOutStr & Chr$(0)


            sOutStr = sOutStr & sOneChr

        End If


    sOutStr = sOutStr & Chr$(0)

    sAPIFilter = sOutStr

End Function


Private Sub ShowFileDialog(ByVal iAction As Integer)

    Dim tOpenFile As OpenFilename

    Dim lMaxSize As Long

    Dim sFileNameBuff As String

    Dim sFileTitleBuff As String

    On Error GoTo ShowFileDialogError


    iAction = iAction 

    lApiReturn = 0  

    lExtendedError = 0 

    tOpenFile.lStructSize = Len(tOpenFile)

    tOpenFile.hwndOwner = lhdc

    tOpenFile.lpstrFilter = sAPIFilter(sFilter)

    tOpenFile.iFilterIndex = iFilterIndex

        If lMaxFileSize > 0 Then

            lMaxSize = lMaxFileSize


            lMaxSize = 255

        End If

        sFileNameBuff = sFileName

        While Len(sFileNameBuff) < lMaxSize - 1

            sFileNameBuff = sFileNameBuff & " "


        If lMaxFileSize = 0 Then

            sFileNameBuff = Mid$(sFileNameBuff, 1, lMaxSize - 1)


            sFileNameBuff = Mid$(sFileNameBuff, 1, lMaxFileSize - 1)

        End If

        sFileNameBuff = sFileNameBuff & Chr$(0)


    tOpenFile.lpstrFile = sFileNameBuff

    If lMaxFileSize <> 255 Then 

        tOpenFile.nMaxFile = 255

    End If

        sFileTitleBuff = sFileTitle

        While Len(sFileTitleBuff) < lMaxSize - 1

            sFileTitleBuff = sFileTitleBuff & " "


        If lMaxFileSize = 0 Then

            sFileTitleBuff = Mid$(sFileTitleBuff, 1, lMaxSize - 1)


            sFileTitleBuff = Mid$(sFileTitleBuff, 1, lMaxFileSize - 1)

        End If

        sFileTitleBuff = sFileTitleBuff & Chr$(0)

    tOpenFile.lpstrFileTitle = sFileTitleBuff

    tOpenFile.lpstrInitialDir = sInitDir

    tOpenFile.lpstrTitle = sDialogTitle

    tOpenFile.Flags = lFlags

    tOpenFile.lpstrDefExt = sDefaultExt

    Select Case iAction

        Case 1  'ShowOpen

            lApiReturn = GetOpenFileName(tOpenFile)

        Case 2  'ShowSave

            lApiReturn = GetSaveFileName(tOpenFile)

        Case Else   'unknown action

            Exit Sub

    End Select

    m_cancelled = False

    Select Case lApiReturn

        Case 0  'user canceled

            m_cancelled = True

            Exit Sub

        Case 1  

            sFileName = sLeftOfNull(tOpenFile.lpstrFile)

            sFileTitle = sLeftOfNull(tOpenFile.lpstrFileTitle)

        Case Else

            lExtendedError = CommDlgExtendedError

    End Select

Exit Sub



    Exit Sub

End Sub


Класс clsDB

Option Explicit

'Internal variables

Private mvarLastName As String

Private mvarFirstName As String

Private mvarNumber As String

Private mvarID As Integer


Public Property Let ID(ByVal vData As Integer)

    mvarID = vData

End Property


Public Property Get ID() As Integer

    ID = mvarID

End Property


Public Property Let Number(ByVal vData As String)

    mvarNumber = vData

End Property


Public Property Get Number() As String

    Number = mvarNumber

End Property


Public Property Let FirstName(ByVal vData As String)

    mvarFirstName = vData

End Property


Public Property Get FirstName() As String

    FirstName = mvarFirstName

End Property


Public Property Let LastName(ByVal vData As String)

    mvarLastName = vData

End Property


Public Property Get LastName() As String

    LastName = mvarLastName

End Property


Класс colDB

Option Explicit

'Internal variables

Private mCol As Collection


Public Function Add(LastName As String, FirstName As String, _
    Number As String, ID As Integer) As clsDB

    'create a new object

    Dim objNewMember As clsDB

    Set objNewMember = New clsDB

    'set the properties passed into the method

    objNewMember.LastName = LastName

    objNewMember.FirstName = FirstName

    objNewMember.Number = Number

    objNewMember.ID = ID

    mCol.Add objNewMember

    'return the object created

    Set Add = objNewMember

    Set objNewMember = Nothing

End Function


Public Sub Remove(vntIndexKey As Variant)

    mCol.Remove vntIndexKey

End Sub


Public Property Get Item(vntIndexKey As Variant) As clsDB

  Set Item = mCol(vntIndexKey)

End Property


Public Property Get Count() As Long

    Count = mCol.Count

End Property


Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown

    Set NewEnum = mCol.[_NewEnum]

End Property



Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    Set mCol = New Collection

End Sub


Private Sub Class_Terminate()

    Set mCol = Nothing

End Sub


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